Remote Learning begins TOMORROW, January 5

As you all know, the Government announced Remote Learning until January 17.

As a result all students’ classes will begin January 5, ONLINE in your child’s Google Classroom.

Your Child had an opportunity to bring home a device prior to the December Break. If you have a need for a different device, or problems with the borrowed device, contact your teacher or the main office.


On Line Learning

You will receive information from your teacher, or educator about logging into the Google Classroom.

Teachers have practiced this with students prior to the break, but it may help to practice again.

Classes will run mirroring the regular In-Person School day — this means an 8:40 START.

Educators will take attendance 2 times per day

Classes will involve synchronous and asynchronous learning (Live, and not live)

You may receive a call

You may receive a phone call from an educator from a number that is NOT a school Number.

Please check your messages — your educators will be wanting to connect regularly to offer support.


We are hopeful that this is a temporary Remote Learning time, and look forward to supporting students, and families. 

Please be in touch with your teacher, the school by phone or email. (519)745-7312,



Tatania Stroud, Principal AR Kaufman