Grade 9 Transition Information

The following link will provide parents of grade 8 students with information regarding transitioning to grade 9. 2015-2016 Transition Guide  

The Integrated Arts Program Info Night is Coming!

The Waterloo Region Integrated Arts Program (IAP) at Eastwood Collegiate Institute offers students a vibrant, exciting community of artistic and academic enrichment.  Students specialize in one or more areas of the visual or performing arts while still having the freedom to explore new challenges and areas of interest. The program promotes high academic standards and […]

Secondary School Information Nights are Coming!

We invite you to attend an information evening designed to answer your questions and inform you about our various programs to meet your child’s needs and interests. If you are unable to attend, feel free to call the school for more information. School Date Time Bluevale C.I. Wednesday, December 2 7:00pm Cameron Heights C.I. Wednesday, January 13 7:00pm Eastwood […]

Parent Resources

Please see attached. Parent_Guardian Resources

IB Info Nights are Coming!

The International Baccalaureate Program offers students more flexibility in terms of pace, depth and breadth of study. Students earn credits through a curricular framework infused with internationalism and upon successful completion are granted the International Studies Honours Certificate or the International Baccalaureate Diploma (an internationally recognized curriculum program). An application package for this program is completed […]

Friday, November 13 is a PA Day

Friday, November 13 is a Professional Activity Day for teachers. There will be no school for students. Elementary The morning of the PA Day, teachers will spend time in a staff meeting, focusing on student achievement and well-being. The afternoon is reserved for parent-teacher interviews. Teachers will be meeting with parents of children for whom […]

A.R. Kaufman Community Services Open House

Dear Parents and Guardians of students in KG to grade 8  Please join us at ARK Community Services Open House  Monday, November 9th, 2015  9:30 AM to 10:30 AM  In the ARK Gymnasium  Mix and Mingle, Meet your neighbours, Ask Questions, Find out about available services in our community, Enjoy some light refreshments and informal […]

New Canadians are celebrated at A.R. Kaufman PS

To kick off their Canadian Citizenship Week, A.R. Kaufman Public School hosted a special citizenship swearing-in ceremony for 31 individuals from 12 different countries. Students in Grades 4 – 8 gathered in the gym to welcome their special guests and watch as each candidate was sworn in. But before the ceremony could begin, everyone sang […]

Tentative Deal Reached Between Province & ETFO

We are very pleased to announce that on November 2, the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) reached a tentative agreement with the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA). Once the tentative central agreement has been ratified, we will be able to determine the timelines and process for teachers completing […]

French Immersion Registration Information Sessions

Registration for Grade 1 French Immersion will begin on Thursday, January 7, 2016 on the Waterloo Region District School Board website at  Parents/guardians of children in senior kindergarten are invited to attend an information session to learn more about French programs in the WRDSB and the registration process for Grade 1 French Immersion.  Information […]

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